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Creative Team 創作團隊

Director 導演 | Jacobus C. Lam 林川 

Actor, director, and stage manager from Hong Kong, Mr. Lam is known for his interpretation of a story by multiple perspectives and layers. He is active around the world such as participating in The International Organisation of Scenographers(OISTAT), Prague Quadrennial(PQ), and Edinburgh Fringe Festival. He also leads Shanghai Youth Community performed the musical 《Obsesed》in United Kingdom. Since 2014, he has been hired as a lecturer and instructor touring in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

香港新銳導演,以自由藝術家身份在台創作。除了劇場製作外,曾參與OISTAT (國際劇場技術協會)的文化交流、PQ(布拉格劇場設計四年展)考察活動,並遠赴英國參與「愛丁堡藝術節」音樂劇的演出,更帶領上海青年團赴英國參與音樂劇《Obsessed》巡迴演出。2014年在兩岸三地從事劇場創作、表演藝術教學及戲劇療癒等,將累積逾十年的舞台經驗化為知識傳遞。2020年畢業後開始從事影像導演工作,讓創作不止在於劇場當中呈現。

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Screenwriter 編劇 | Yanzi Ding 丁姲之

Yanzi Ding is a multiple-disciplinary artist as an actor, writer and composer. She leads two Off-Broadway Plays including 《Flying Tigers Flying Away》and 《War Lovers》, and two feature films credited at IMDB. The stage work ⟪Rushi: Three Reincarnations of a Chinese Women⟫ written, composed and led by Ms. Ding has world premiered in east Broadway and invited to Museum of Chinese in America(MOCA).

紐約雙語演員,同時以編劇與音樂設計活躍於台美之間。至今參與紐約兩部外百老匯製作音樂劇《戰爭與情人》及原創戲劇《飛虎戀》,並為兩部電影主演(IMDB)。2019年呈現由Bagela4Art娛樂公司製作,姲之擔任編劇、演員及作曲的英文獨角戲《如許:一個中國女人的三生三世》,於東百老匯區的演出,並受邀於美國華人博物館(Museum of Chinese in America)藝術家系列。2021年創作的短片劇本 ⟪Sans Everything⟫在國際電影節中獲得超過20個獎項及提名,包含洛杉磯國際電影節、坎城絲路影展、羅馬國際電影獎等。

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Director of Photography 攝影導演 | Pohan Lu 盧柏翰

 Pohan is an award-winning photographer working in the Hollywood film industry for 3 years. The short film ⟪Lips Reader⟫ wins the Best Cinematography in Wu Xi Film Festival, and his DP work ⟪Ipresident⟫ wins the Best Pictures at Five Continents International Film Festival and Best Microfilm in Queen Palm International Film Festival. He currently works for Light & Shadow Pictures, the instructor of Taiwan Film Education Institute, and the assigned photographer for many national organizations and universities.

柏翰以攝影導演及燈光等身份從事微電影、紀錄片、新聞專題、 音樂 MV與廣告與電影等各類拍攝。在美國四年期間,多次參與好萊塢工會的電影、電視以及大型商業廣告的製作拍攝。 在亞洲地區,榮獲第七屆無錫電影節「最佳攝影」外,並擔任杭州旗袍文化節宣傳片製片及攝影指導、羅志祥MV⟪No Joke⟫ 燈光大助、以及趙又廷主演廣告Belinger之攝影師等。目前受聘任於台灣各大學府及國家文化單位。

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Project Manager 專案經理 | Sophia Liu 劉姿含

Professional admin manager in theatre industry over 8 years. Ms. Liu collaborates and executes hundreds of performances with theatre companies in Taiwan and China as a music producer, artistic administrator and stage manager. She is now the executive director for Red Theatre Group.


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